Okay, so the literal translation from the German saying—one of many pieces of folk wisdom I learned from my first mother-in-law—leaves something to be desired. But stay with me. For those of you with some German, the original goes Die Strafe fällt auf den Fuss. Our equivalent proverb would be “As you sow, so shall you reap.” In other words, we’re talking about Karma here: cause and effect. The Hindu concept adds the idea of reincarnation. So, if you were a wife-beating husband in this life, for example, you might merit rebirth as a beaten wife. It’s kind of a cosmic camper-counselor day. The hope is you’ll learn not to abuse your spouse in your next life....
A Boulder-based videographer has been doing 15-minute videos on the life and work of "creatives" in the Rocky Mountains region of our spiritual organization, Subud. The video about me as a writer/teacher has just come out, the 5th in this series. I think it turned out quite well, so I wanted to share it with you here. Enjoy! Ren Ruslan |